Sunday, November 5, 2017

Lunch for the week of 11/5/17

Last week I over-bought lettuce, so I'm having side salads for lunch, not chicken, because it's not the main course, just some greenery, too much dressing, and crunchy bread bits.

This week's lunch

A while back I bought a can of artisan chili (no beans) with the intention of having it for dinner some night.  Didn't happen, and when I found ground beef in the local market when shopping for this weeks lunch ingredients, i decided it was time to use the can.

Added to this was 1 chopped onion, fried up, a pound of ground beef and then simmered.

Today's lunch included that over some rice and with a bit of cheese, plus a salad and some leftover halloween candy.

What I would change

Add some crackers or remove some of the fat, possibly throw some salt into the dish when re-heating it.  The ground beef was quite rich and between it and the olive oil used for the onions, I'm glad I took a walk after lunch (3 flights down, 3 flights up) to put my lunch bag away.  The salad is a nice touch though.  It's late in the year and cold for "salad as main course" but it's still good for "salad as added munchie"

It's certainly healthier than adding potato chips.  

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