Sunday, October 8, 2017

Lunch for the week 10/8/17

This Week's Lunch

This week I went Middle European.  Polish to be more exact, Kielbasa and Cabbage Stew, another slow cooker dish.  I'm blaming on Walter Staib and A Taste of History.  It's showing locally in hour long bursts and it's one of my "nothing good on but this is fun".  He had on an episode featuring Tadeusz Kościuszko and that was ... sort of, one of the featured recipes.  I did not have the spices the recipe called for (no thyme, no basil, just pepper), so I used a bit of pizza seasoning.

I cooked it up Friday night and taste tested it Saturday and it doesn't suck.  It's a bit of a variant of Polish Hunter Stew (Bigos).  The cabbage has a lighter taste than sauerkraut, but for lunch at the office I don't want something as smelly (if yummy) as sauerkraut, bacon, beef broth and assorted cooked meat chunks.

Dessert is orange quarters, because candied orange peel.

What I would change

Not much,  though I'd like to go full on Bigos (this link or the recipe I found many-many years ago in Classic Russian Cooking: Elena Molokhovets' a Gift to Young Housewives).  It's not likely the husband doesn't like the smell of sauerkraut and it is a smelly dish.  I'll see what inspires for next week.

It may be another batch of this stuff, I have enough leftover chopped cabbage, cubed potatoes, and sliced carrots for it, or a batch of very vegetable soup, if I get some onions.  Or maybe cole slaw.  

The vote has been cast, it's coleslaw, but probably not for a day or two.  

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